In celebration of Global Tiger Day, acclaimed artist Gopal Namjoshi, in collaboration with WWF-India, has unveiled a monumental art installation titled ‘Striking Stripes’

In celebration of Global Tiger Day, acclaimed artist Gopal Namjoshi, in collaboration with WWF-India, has unveiled a monumental art installation titled ‘Striking Stripes.’ This artwork, crafted entirely from industrial junk, stands as a testament to the intersection of art, culture, and environmental conservation.
The installation, measuring 12 feet in length, 5 feet in height, and 4 feet in width, is constructed from industrial mild steel junk and an iron structure.The tiger, formed from repurposed scrap materials, highlights the grandeur of this iconic species and underscores the urgent need for tiger conservation.
Namjoshi’s ‘Striking Stripes’ installation serves a dual purpose. By transforming discarded industrial materials into a powerful representation of the tiger, Namjoshi demonstrates how art can drive environmental change while celebrating the beauty and significance of endangered species. The intricate design and use of upcycled materials reflect both the artist’s skill and the potential for sustainable practices within the art world.
The tiger, an emblem of strength and grace, also symbolises the fragility of our ecosystems. As one of the world’s most endangered species, the tiger’s survival is intricately linked to the health of its habitat and the well-being of the communities that coexist within these landscapes. WWF-India’s ongoing efforts in tiger conservation are essential to ensuring that these critical habitats remain intact for future generations.
Dr. Latika Nath, who envisioned this innovative installation and commissioned Namjoshi to bring it to life, emphasized the artwork’s role in raising awareness about the need for harmonious coexistence between wildlife and local communities. ‘Striking Stripes’ not only celebrates the tiger’s magnificence but also serves as a reminder of our collective responsibility to protect and preserve our natural world.
WWF-India, one of India’s foremost organizations dedicated to forest and wildlife conservation, has been a leader in tiger protection since the launch of Project Tiger in 1973. Their comprehensive approach includes working towards sustainable livelihoods for forest-fringe communities and implementing climate adaptation measures to support both people and wildlife.
By integrating art and conservation, ‘Striking Stripes’ aims to inspire action and foster a deeper connection between individuals and the natural world. As Global Tiger Day serves as a reminder of the critical need for wildlife preservation, this installation stands as a call to action for both artistic and environmental stewardship.