Justin Timberlake’s DWI case took a wild new turn in court as his case appeared before a judge on July 26th, Friday. The pop singer’s lawyer, Edward Burke Jr., maintained Timberlake’s innocence outside the courthouse.

“Justin Timberlake was not intoxicated. And we’re very confident that that charge— that criminal charge will be dismissed,” Burke told reporters following the court appearance.

Procedural Issues and Rescheduled Arraignment

The 43-year-old singer, currently on a world tour, did not attend the proceedings in person. His lawyer moved to dismiss the charges due to the improper signing of the initial charging papers. However, prosecutors were prepared with corrected documentation.

“The verification has been fixed,” stated Assistant District Attorney Ashley Congro.

Judge Carol Irace ruled that Timberlake would be arraigned a second time using the appropriate documents. The rescheduled virtual arraignment is set for August 2 at 9:30 a.m.

“This arraignment is going to be just as real,” the judge emphasized, noting the unusual allowance for Timberlake to appear virtually.

Lawyer Criticizes Prosecution’s Errors in Justin Timberlake’s DWI Case

Following the proceedings, Burke criticized the prosecutors for the errors in the charging papers.

“The police made a number of very significant errors in this case… And there are many others,” Burke stated. He added, “The DA is trying to fix something here — you’re going to scratch your head and ask yourself why this wasn’t [resolved] immediately? There’s not a spot of ink that has the sergeant’s signature.”

Timberlake was arrested in Sag Harbor on June 18 after running a stop sign near the American Hotel. The incident gained attention when it was revealed that the arresting officer did not recognize the famous singer.

When Timberlake expressed concern about the arrest ruining his tour, he had to explain to the confused officer about his ongoing “world tour.”

Timberlake’s Respect for Law Enforcement

Despite the legal challenges, Burke emphasized Timberlake’s respect for law enforcement and the judicial system.

“I will say that Justin respects law enforcement. I will say that he recognizes the very important job that they do. And he cooperated with the police officers from the second he was ordered out of his car to the second he was discharged on June 18th from Judge Irace,” Burke stated.

He reiterated, “But the facts remain. He was not intoxicated.”

Post-Arrest Concert and Fan Appreciation

At his first concert following the arrest in Chicago, Timberlake addressed his fans, saying:

“It’s been a tough week. I know sometimes I’m hard to love, but you keep on loving me and I love you right back.”

With the matter still pending, everyone’s attention will be focused on Timberlake’s anticipated virtual appearance at the rescheduled arraignment in August.

Image: goodfon.com